Friday, June 29, 2007

Ron Paul: How a Fringe Politician Took Over the Web

Despite his status among the longest of the long shots, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Ron Paul has become one of the internet's most omnipresent –- and some say most irritating -– subjects.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use to have compassion for individuals who were "brainwashed" by the likes of "Rudi McRomney" and cousin "Freddie"... However, now I can only feel sorry for them..

Leadership is Action Through *Example Not Position...

(It is not a position of power nor being in the right place at the right time, neither define leadership).

It is defined by setting the example through taking action on such Leadership Traits as Truthfulness! Honesty! Fidelity!

Ron Paul Has Acted Admirably On All These Leadership Traits:

“Truthfulness” first and foremost… Then: Principle, Integrity, Honesty,* Fidelity (to their oaths), Honor, Virtue, Compassion, Courage, Vision, Wisdom and Faith.